Sunday 14 December 2014

Building an Owl Box

Today, I joined the Friends of Thetford Forest Park for the last session before Christmas.

To end each year we build something; sometimes bird boxes, sometimes bat boxes. Occassionally we service the hibernaculum in Thetford Forest near the High Lodge visitor centre, with simple boards hung on the wall for the bats.

We were building owl boxes on behalf of the B.T.O., the British Trust For Ornithology, who are to survey the population of Tawney Owls. They will spend a set time to wait and listen. If they here nothing they will play a recording of an owl call, in a controlled way to give comparable results to their survey.

The boxes were made from larch, a wood which has self-preserving properties and so does not require the addition of preservatives. This was the basic blue-plan...

A box under construction near completion. Note; the five holes underneath for drainage and the hatch on the side for checking, ringing and cleaning. 

Six boxes built during the morning...

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