Intermediate Technology and Creativity

One of E. F. Schumacher's most influential concepts from his book, "Small is Beautiful", is that of applying "Intermediate Technology" to create worthwhile opportunities.


"Intermediate Technology"

W hat did schumacher mean by that? 

Schumacher said that an intermediate technology" provides jobs at an affordable cost. Expensive jobs are very secure for the employee but very difficult to obtain. Most have to put up with unsecure jobs costing little to create. Manual labour is the commodity, little skill is required. With an intermiediate level of investment, skill work can be provided for more people, thereby providing some security and worth. 


How might this apply to the creativity and re-connecting to nature?

Creativity is self-guided. Most people are not aware of their creative abilities. It needs to be re-discovered. Released. Creativity takes many forms and expressions; art, music, dance, words, etc. Some people are said to be more Visual, some Auditory and some Kinetic, in their creative expression.

Outdoor Play also has a structure. It begins with guided play. Being shown what to do; perhaps a very young child's first experience on a swing, or an older childs first outdoor pursuit with specialist adventure equipment. Later comes unstructured, self-guided play, exploring all the possibilities with a set peice of equipment. Lastly, comes familiarisation; taking 'ownership' of something; den-making, or mastering a technique, or sharing experiences or new found knowledge. Being at one with something.

People have to learn, whether as children or adults. Learning is a development. A new skill or craft has to begin somewhere. Investing a lot in a new hobby can bring frustration, yet, no investment can be disappointing. It does not give a sense of commitment. Something intermediate is required.

An ambitious investment into "high art", may require the hiring of a model, expensive pigments and brushes, an available room and so on and so forth. Even joining a class can be daunting if it is not aimed at beginners.

"Classical Drawing" may be asking too much. It requires accuracy and skill. But sketching, creative writing, keeping memories in a journal, requires minimal materials whilst offering a vast array of opportunities for groups to join and subjects to study. As confidence grow you progress to the next level.

An inspirational teacher can provide the support and guidance to explore different aspects of creativity; writing, drawing, activity. A library can provide the books for knowledge and knowhow. A group can provide the opportunity to share experiences and creativity with others. Only this way will a life-long passion develop... through development, commitment, enthusiasm, exploration... and a modest outlay.

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