Saturday 20 December 2014

Paper crafts

Looking back to 2009, I helped out with an exhibition about cultural connections between East Anglia and Japan. It was called "East Meets East".

As part of that exhibition there were a number of very large paper origami cranes all made at a party...

You can see them here too, atop the exhibition stand... Yes, they are quite big!

I thought I'll have a go at some origami for myself, only, on a smaller scale...

So, in the middle you see another crane. It is quite a complicated design. Definitly easier with large paper, than miniturised as here. Top-left is the bird design which can flap. Top-right is a crow which can stand or peck - but it looks more like a penguin to me! Bottom-left is another crow. This one can open and close its' beak. Finally, bottom-right is a peace-dove. I think the crane is the best!

This was also fun... There were a couple of designs in my book for butterflies...

Again, the simple one has movement. It can flap by pressing the body. Stationary, like this, it looks like little more than a peice of folded paper. If you flap it nervously, it really does to start to look like a butterfly. Amazing the illusion it creates - from something so simple!

Also, I really think the other butterfly looks just like a Swallowtail Butterfly - a rare creature, here in the east of England. All it needs is some black marking on the yellow paper, and it would be there!

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