Tuesday 25 November 2014

Goldcrest Screen Print

Here is a simple design for a single colour screen print I did in the Autumn of 2013 as part of an Introduction to Printmaking course at Wensum Lodge, Norwich.

It started off as a sketch in gouache watercolour, one based on an old thumb-nail sketch from my teenage sketchbooks...

The sketch was photocopied, enlarged, traced and simplified...

Eventually, I decided to include just the wings and tail, the beak and eye and the crest and moustache...

I used tracing paper to make the paper-stencil for the screen. It worked well - once!

After that, the paper absorbed the ink and cockled badly. The second print was a disaster! Look closely and you see it is wrinkled, and each wrinkle has printed a jagged edge.

Fortunately, I made two stencils! One more print, enough to make an experimental design on a colourful torn-paper collage..

I had to remake the stencil with stonger paper. In fact, I just used photocopier paper. It was okay for about 3 or 4 prints before it cockled, too. Chance to print a t-shirt...

And, a close up detail...

I used System-3 acrylics with fabric-medium which is fixed with a warm iron.

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