Sunday 23 November 2014

A Nature and Well-being Act

The Wildlife Trusts and the RSPB [the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds] have joined forces to promote a political campaign to introduce ideas for a Green Paper, a ...

"Nature and Well-being Act".

A Nature & Well-being Act would build upon the aims of the Natural Envirnment White Paper to introduce into government policy the concept of protecting nature for the benefit of our well-being, too.

Could this new movement of Nature Connection enter into Government policy, also?

The Wildlife Trusts:


The Natural Environment White Paper from GOV.UK:

What pleases me even more, is The Wildlife Trusts are also actively supporting Health and Well-being Projects.  Campaigns should be supported by positive actions, too. Here are some... lets see more, please!

The Wildlife Trusts; Health & Well-being Projects:

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