Sunday 23 November 2014

Creative Ways To Connect with Nature...

Using the "5-Ways to Well-being" from NEF as a model, here are some...

Creative Ways to Connect with Nature


...with people around you who share a similar interest.
...with your local 'patch' in your community.
...with memories of your time in nature. 

Be Active...

Go for a picnic, a ramble, a nature walk, a bat walk, a birdwatch, or go pond-dipping. Do some gardening, build a small pond, feed the birds, set up a moth trap. Take time out of doors. Join an astronomy group.

Take notice...

Be curious. Watch the weather. Look for signs of the changing seasons. Listen. Smell. Touch. Be aware of the world around you. Be aware of how you are feeling. Are you cold or warm, fit or fatigued, hungry or thirsty?

Keep Learning...

Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for a course. Go to a talk. Identify an insect, a bird, a plant. Learn to draw. Try creative writing. Keep a log. Keep a journal. Start a sketchbook. Read. Ask a question of an expert.


Make something for someone you know. Thank someone for kindness. Smile. Welcome a conversation. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Take a membership. Help fundraising. Enter a raffle. Give a prize or gift.

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